Morning Routine – Revised

UPDATE: The printables have been updated to include romanized Korean and be more consistent with the other freebies. Instead of the illustrated scene, I made it into a coloring page with vocabulary labels. I also made a Caregiver Phrase Card with phrases from the original illustration. And, I added six vocabulary flash cards to the set (which is only for subscribers.) Read the post below for the original printables.

Remembering to use Korean throughout the day is challenging. I wasn’t raised speaking Korean. And, over the years, my exposure and usage has decreased drastically. So, I really liked the idea of attaching Korean to specific times and routines.

Since my husband speaks Cantonese, we are as close to “one parent one language” as we’ll get. So, the morning routine is a good time for me to set up a repetitive dialog the little guy can get familiar with. And, it isn’t awkward because if I’m taking care of the morning routine, it’s most likely my husband is sleeping in. (Don’t worry, we alternate.)

As an illustrator and a language learner, visual flashcards are one of my favorite tools. And, practical usage is a lot easier to retain than just learning vocabulary or grammar on its own. I like the idea of integrating Korean into certain routines so when my little guy shifts gear to whatever we are doing, he can also shift to Korean. This has started working for us a little bit. He comes running to the table when he hears, “먹을 시간이야!” (Meog-eul si-gan-i-ya! Time to eat!)

I added the phonetic pronunciation for anyone who isn’t reading Hangul, yet. And, I added the English translations of the phrases. If you’re looking for more parenting phrases in Korean, I have some posts about that. You can download the flashcard or the black and white coloring page. I have a post coming up with my tips on printing flashcards. If you’re using the coloring page, just load your printer with standard letter 8.5″x11″ paper and press print!

Do you use Korean all day or for certain events? I would love to know your tips and tricks. As always, thanks for supporting Tigerboom. 열심히 하겠습니다! (We will work hard!)

  • Sarah Kang

    I love the graphics on this. Thank you for you putting together these great resources. We noticed that you used the spelling 안영 vs 안녕. Is that a slang spelling for hello?

    December 21, 2020 at 3:33 am

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